Kyle Kwaske '16

Ambitious Alumni, Kyle Kwaske, graduated from Aquinas College in 2016 with a degree in Business Administration and Sport Management with a concentration in Marketing.  From his start at Aquinas, Kyle was determined to pursue a career in the Sport Industry.  In order to stand out to future potential employers, Kyle set a goal to obtain at least five jobs and/or internships in the Sport Industry by the time he graduated.  With the help of his natural drive and hard work ethic, he accomplished this goal.

“I would attribute a lot of the blessings I’ve received from getting out there and doing internships.  在一天结束的时候,一切都取决于经验,谁知道呢 who you are.”

Kyle’s first internship began the summer before his junior year working with the Houston Texans NFL Team.  在德州人队积累了经验后,凯尔不是一名球员,而是 大三的时候在十大赌博登录官网做过两次实习.  第一次实习是在格兰德酒店 急流城体育名人堂,结束了他大三的上学期.  The second internship was with an NBA minor league system called the Grand Rapids Drive, lasting the entire school year.  在大三和大四之间,他在环球公司实习 Partnerships through the NBA.  凯尔在整个赛季都在继续他的NBA生涯 his senior year, returning to the Grand Rapids Drive, this time working a full time paid internship. 

Kyle credits a lot of his recent success to his time working with the Grand Rapids Drive.  Through his experience with the Drive, he was able to meet many amazing people, 其中两个在NBA工作.  通过这些联系,凯尔得知 the NBA Associate Program, the entry level position that leads to working with the NBA post-graduation.  在申请和经历了严冬的面试之后 在他大四的时候,凯尔获得了NBA助理项目的一个名额.  With this success, he moved to New York City, New York in August 2016 and started working in his current 同年9月.  

The NBA Associate Program position is a two-year long job in which participants rotate 在六个月的时间里,在NBA的各个部门工作了四次.  Through this program, Kyle has been able to meet and work with many great people, immensely expanding his network.  他在助理律师事务所的两年任期即将结束 计划,并将于2018年9月永久安置到一个部门.  Once in his new position, Kyle is sure to continue cultivating the skills he has gained from his past internships, thereby further growing in the success he has had working with the NBA. 

Ankita Bhatia '15

Ankita Bhatia, a double major in Sports Management and Business, has had great success upon graduation. 从东密歇根大学转学来的, 

巴蒂亚2015年毕业于十大赌博正规平台在线. 然后她继续在底特律活塞队工作 实习涉及销售、市场营销、财务和人力资源. 

Bhatia's internship with the Pistons gave her the opportunity to work with Google. She began in Michigan, but was quickly transferred to Google Headquarters in California, 这12个月她去哪了. 在那里的这段时间里,巴蒂亚一直是接受者 2016年第一季度新业务伙伴奖. 获奖后,我意识到 that I was really passionate about what I was doing, and spending time which ultimately resulted in a lot of success.'

Sam Connell '13

graduate headshot Sam graduated from Aquinas in December of 2013 with a Sport Management/Business Administration Degree. 此后不久,他搬到了印第安纳州的韦恩堡,并开始在 韦恩堡棒球队(圣地亚哥教士队联盟). At the completion of my internship, he was offered jobs with five different teams all over the country and chose to move to Peoria, IL and work for the Peoria Chiefs before ultimately moving back to Grand Rapids to work in the front office for the West Michigan Whitecaps. He is entering his third season as a Ticket Sales Consultant for the Whitecaps where he focuses on selling ticket packages and group outing experiences to some of the 西密歇根的顶尖公司.

James T. Hogan '11

graduate headshot

In the fall of 2008, James T. 霍根在十大赌博正规平台在线开始了他的学习生涯. A graduate from Traverse City West High School in Traverse City, Michigan, JT recalls many fond 这是他在十大赌博正规平台在线读书时的回忆. During JT’s time at Aquinas, he double majored in sport management and business administration with a minor in mathematics.

JT loved the people at Aquinas. 教师,学生,校友和支持人员都 似乎在JT的经历中散发出同样的正能量和信息. As a result, this feeling gave JT the confidence he needed to feel supported enough to 在学术生涯中挑战自我.

In August of 2009, JT was elected the Sport Management Clubs’ Public Relations Director. Within one year, JT was elected the Sport Management Club President, a position that supplied him with many leadership opportunities that have now helped him excel in his life today. 在担任主席期间,他负责主持会议, coordinating workers and fundraising efforts for “AQ Run Thru 5K” as well as overseeing the dodge ball tournaments. 他负责的所有这些任务都对JT有帮助 see what he was capable of.

Dr. Heather Kesselring-Quakenbush was a professor who significantly helped JT throughout his academic career. 他钦佩她为促进体育管理所做的不懈努力 Club. 她的工作是让俱乐部接触社交经验,并引入新成员 这些嘉宾对他的经历产生了巨大的影响. She was someone who visibly wanted to see all of her students succeed and be the best they could be in the field that they chose. 这是JT一直以来的动力. Her efforts for the program 继续做伟大的事情. 她让JT为自己是圣人而自豪.

“JT set himself apart for other students by being willing step up to both leadership and responsibility,” said Dr. Kesselring-Quakenbush. “在体育管理专业, we have number of competent students who are willing to work hard, but are uncomfortable 担任社长的主要角色. JT不仅能力强,工作努力, 但他也不害怕领导或责任. He was also the first of our presidents to reach out to the other student clubs to engage in some collaborative events. 凭借他的领导能力、无畏精神和协作能力,这并不令人意外 that he again set himself apart by becoming the youngest AD in the state of Michigan. 我非常非常自豪地说他是我们的一员.”

十大赌博登录官网教JT职业礼仪. 他在大学期间学了很多功课 经历和结果帮助他塑造了今天的自己. He learned to always support others to be the best that they can be, to show respect regardless of the 处境,最重要的是,永远把信念放在第一位.

十大赌博登录官网在很多方面影响了JT的生活. 他不仅在十大赌博登录官网遇见了他未来的妻子 (they graduated together and plan to marry in June 2015), but also his major helped 直接为他的事业奠定了基础. 2011年8月,JT开始在金斯利实习 High School. 如果没有这个专业要求的实习,JT就不会有今天的成就 in the right place at the right time to start his career as an athletic director at Kingsley High School. 这段经历让他继续前进 给他指明职业发展的方向.

After his graduation in December 2011, JT was hired as the interim athletic director 他于2012年1月开始在金斯利高中任教. In September 2012, JT was 被聘为全职体育主管. 他在金斯利高中工作 next two years. 2014年7月,JT被聘为Allendale的体育主管 在公立学校,他目前是教育体育主任.

“Every experience I had at Aquinas, from hosting the AQ Run Thru 5K, to networking events, social gatherings, and challenging classes have played some role in how I “我现在能够处理好工作中的日常情况,”JT说. “Having a strong knowledge base of event supervision, specific sports and their rules help me to do my job to the best of my abilities. 因为十大赌博登录官网,我可以自信地走进办公室 every day.”

Anthony Lamerato '05

Anthony Lamerato graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and sports management. 最近,他被《十大赌博登录官网》(DBusiness)杂志评为“杰出人物” Detroit 30 under 30 list. 这份榜单表彰的是最成功、最前沿的高管 in the Metro Detroit area. 他目前是WXYZ的销售总监 7频道和WMYD 20频道负责所有电视广告的销售. He and his team sell to many major business clients such as Chrysler, Ford and Sam Bernstein Law Firm. 在一次采访中,拉梅拉托热情地说:“你说出来我们就卖.” Lamerato is a perfect example of someone who values higher education and is able to use what he learned in college and through working to propel his career and make a difference in the business world.

AQ Alumni Sport & Fitness Network


Alexander (Zander) Atwood '14
Ticket Sales

David Baldwin '09
Miami Dolphins

Mike Craven
Operations Manager 
West Michigan Whitecaps

Cory Garneau '11
Sr. 高级会员服务顾问
Atlanta Hawks

Alec Gignac '17
Account Executive
Dubuque Fighting Saints
Mike Kalchik '11
Director, Ticket Operations
Lancaster Barnstormers

Casey McDonald '13
Game/Events Manager 

Taelor Sanders '13
Project Manager & Sports Director
RMG Technologies

Brandon Scherzer '16
Community Affairs Coordinator
Detroit Tigers

Elmer Straub '94
Amalie Arena

Jacob Thayer '08
Senior Account Executive



Jaclyn Braspenninx '07 
Fitness Specialist & Healthy IU Manager
IU Health

Carlee Chapman '10
Fitness Team Leader
MVP Sports Clubs

Jason Epplett '99

Nick Grady '14
Lead Sport Program Specialist

Adam Jauregui '02 
Group Training Coordinator
Lifetime Fitness

Shandy Longcore '02
Director of Operations
MVP Athletic Club - Rockford

Anne-Marie Shumaker '12
Lowell YMCA

Mitch Spelde '13
Fitness manager 
Snap Fitness

Devin Tarrant '10
Co-Owner & Managing Partner 
Applied Fitness Solutions

Audrey VanderKamp '06 
Life Coach
Lifetime Fitness


Shannyn Fasbender '93
东大急流城公园运动主管 & Recreation

Bryan Rizzo '90
Athletic Director
Madonna University

Katy VanCuren
Assistant Principal
Rockford HS

Other sport related careers

Jaclyn (Jackie) Reedy '13
Catalog & Corporate Sales Manager
Kentucky Derby Museum

Tom Sadler
CEO & President

 Do you belong on this list? 如果你想成为AQ校友运动的亮点 和健身网络,请发送电子邮件请求至 and include the following information: name, graduation date, title, company and 网站和联系信息(可选)